25 December 2010

From Me to You

I hope as this posts (set on auto-post from Thursday night) that we are all surrounded by family and friends eating great food and opening wonderful gifts.  I also hope that you all will enjoy this wonderful gift I am giving you.  If not for yourself, you might know a friend who will love it.

In search for some wonderfully free art, I ran across this project at one of my favorite blogs, Bower Power

Here's a little tutorial:

I typed my whole project in Power Point.  I am sure you can use Paint or Word.  All you need is something that has text boxes for you to play around with.
You will want to adjust the fonts styles ans sizes to get the look you want.  Play around with capitalization and the directions of words.  You will also want to think about the size frame that you will want to display this art it.  I chose to do one for a 5x7 frame, so I adjusted my margins to be 4.75"x6.75" to allow for a little room around the edges.

Then you print it out.  I used regular printer paper because that is what I had, but card stock would be wonderful.
All that is left is to place this in a frame.
I think it looks wonderful, and it is very personal to me.  For example, not everyone calls their town "The Land of Milk and Honey" or "The Promise Land" or has friends who call it "The Galapagos".  But I do.  I also know that Amicalola Falls is in Dawson County, but it was my 1st real taste of Dahlonega when Rusty chose it as our 1st date and the place where he would eventually propose to me.

You could make this for a specific state, a city, a school or college, a couple, a special friend, or even a family.  All it takes is a little time thinking of personal words to describe it.

Since it is Christmas, I would love to e-mail the template I already have set up for this project in a 5x7 size.  You can use what I already have and change the words around for your own art.  If you would like the file for free, just leave me a comment with your e-mail address.  I will send it over.

Again, I hope everyone is having a very Merry Christmas!



  1. Thanks for visiting While He Was Napping! I love this, it's so cute. Your finished project looks great. That's what I love about subway art, each piece is different, personal and unique. But it's the same technique and idea. Love it. Thanks for the link to check it out!

  2. I would love to receive your template for this project - it's fantastic! kcpotters@hughes.net

  3. I don't know if you are checking back for old comments but I've stumbled upon your blog and am really enjoying what I see. If you are still sharing your template for the 5x7 subway art project I would really appreciate a copy at rosa.hernandez@gmail.com .


  4. This is wonderful! I tried in Word using the drawing tool, it worked until I wanted the lines to be invislable but I don't think its possible.

    Would you mind sending me the template you have?

    Thanks a bunch!


  5. Hi Heather! I love this idea, and would love to do something similar for my daughter to commemorate her college graduation. I'd be so grateful if you'd send me the template!

    Thanks very much!

  6. Hi Heather! Love this idea - yours turned out great! Not sure if you are still sending out the template but I would love to try it. please send to -


    Thanks so much!

  7. I just stumbled across this too and would love the template. My e-mail is alehlers@gmail.com

  8. I would love to try this out if you are still offering the template, please email me at victoriagg@live.ca I am loving your blog!

  9. Hey Heather! LOVE this idea, and I LOVE your blog!! Totally gonna spend some weekends poring over your "How To's" :)

    Could you send me the template for this, if you still have it available? Thank ya!


  10. I love love love this!! And all your other posts!! If you still have the template available I would love to get it. Thanks!


  11. Fantastic idea! I would love the template you have. Thank you! jennday1@yahoo.com

  12. Great idea! My I get your template please! Sara.bordelon11@gmail.com

  13. Thank you so much Heather for your generousity. I would love a copy of the 5x7 insert for a frame. I am new to these blogs and am trying to be crafty. : D

  14. I would love your template! deleonpetska@hotmail.com

  15. Hi. I just came to your blog from the nester's tour of homes linky. I've enjoyed looking around! If you still have this template, I would love to create some for my friends ... we are military and move often. Thanks so much, and Merry Christmas! pinny88888888@yahoo.com.
