17 January 2011

Handcrafted Birdies

While stuck inside during Snowpocalypse 2011, I ran across the cutest little handmade birdies on the blog Living Life Creatively.  They were to die for!

{like I need to add any more birds to my decor}

I flew (too cheesy) hurried over to her Etsy shop and quickly bought the pattern for $3.00!  In less than 2 hours, I had made a practice fabric and paper one - minus the little legs.  I plan on adding the legs once I get to the store, but they are cute without them as well!

Here are some pictures to show you how easy this project is.

{fabric bird}

The pattern at this size works best with the fabric birds,
but I might enlarge it to make my next paper one. 
Just practicing, I traced it out on a piece
of left over fabric from this project.
Leaving some portion open for stuffing.
I stuffed this bird with pulled apart cotton balls since
I didn't have any filling.  Using a pencil or scissors
really helps getting into the tail and beak.
{paper bird}
What am I going to do with these?  I think the possibilities are endless.  Use them as place cards.  Put them on wreaths.  Use as gift tags.  String for garland.  Make tree ornaments.   Use as potted plant ornaments or labels.  Fill with oils or potpourri to make drawers smell good.  Use as a pin cushion.  Hang them from a hand made baby mobile.  Sprinkle them with love around the house!

Look around your house.  Do you see any themes that you use in decorating?  I'm guilty as charged!  I can't keep my hands off the birdies...


  1. LOVELY!!! I think these are so cute and GREAT for Spring. Hmmm...I definitely think they "tweet" Spring. Hmmm....the mind is racing. I think I am feeling the garland. Now it is time to purge the sofa and see if I can come up with $3.


  2. My stars ~~ those are adorable.
    I have an idea for them - You could print a date on them and give them as a gift sayyy for an 18th Anniversary or something like that.
    Good Job!!

  3. Thanks for showing what you have done! I just love those little birds! I can't get enough of them either, so there are a few in almost every room! I am glad that you like them. I'm like a proud momma over here!
