21 March 2011

My Tchotchke Could Be Your Tchotchke

Not only am I tickled to be in The Circle of Bliss, I am even more tickled to know the creative author of the blog Beauty In The Attempt.  This is the second insanely unique bloghop she has created. 

The purpose of this bloghop?  It's easy:  Put something in your house that you don't feel fits your style anymore into the hands of another blogger who just MUST HAVE IT TO MAKE HER LIFE COMPLETE!!!

Here is what I am offering:
Here is the low down in the item.  It is a basket that Rusty and I bought on a vacation in the market in Charleston, South Carolina.  We were told it is covered in large grape leaves.  It has a knotty vine wrapped around it to serve as handles.  I have stored many things in this basket over the ears.  In fact, it is still my style, probably.  I just happen to have bought two of them, and my house is not large enough for you to see it in one room of the house and forget you saw it later on in another room, lol!

Are you coveting this basket?  It is TOO easy to make it yours:
{1} Become a follower of {twenty}something 
{2}  Leave a comment about how you MUST have it
{3} On Tuesday, March 29th, I will give it to the one commenter or use a random generator to fairly give it away

It is not necessary for you to link up with an item you are giving away, but it sure would be more fun!  You can cater your entry to meet any requirements you want.  Customize it!  

You keel hopping while I start shopping!

Oh yeah, the shipping is on me for my item!


  1. Umm....how come I have a feeling Mr. B would kill me if in the process of decluttering..I am obtaining new things...sign me up my dear. Hmm...may have to post a few more things to compensate if I do indeed get this. :) {and yes...I still have more to post}.


  2. This is very cute!! That would look very neat in my computer room or bedroom. (I will be posting something tomorrow--feel free to check it out!)

  3. OOOH I Love, love, love it! Need it, it should be in my home!!!

  4. Ummmm - yes please! I need to get my tail in gear and find something to give away :)

  5. Oh man...I havne't linked up yet, but I am LOVING this basket...putting my name in the hat!

  6. well this is really unique and I love baskets of all kinds.. I'd love a chance to have this. Hopping over from Gails place. Thanks

  7. Very cool idea! I will have to hunt around my house and see if there is something I need to get rid of. Love the basket!
