13 March 2011

Using Forsythia Sprigs In Your Decor

I observe Daylight Savings Time like others observe holidays.  It is my Mother's Day.  I love it more than my birthday.  I would rather celebrate it than Valentine's Day.  To commemorate today, I drove around The Promise Land until I found some "wild" Forsythia shrubs.  
I happened to find one in the Transportation Department's entrance, and luckily they were closed!  I helped myself to a few sprigs while Rusty stood guard.  Here they are sprinkled around the house.  They are just the pop of color that I needed on my holiday!
I can't wait until my two bushes in the side yard get large enough to keep me from thieving from the transportation department, lol!

Since we now have so much more natural light, Rusty gifted me with the instillation of two dimmer switches.  He put on in the living room and one in the kitchen.  This allows me to slowly overtake the fading natural light of the evening with the natural light bulbs in our fixtures.

What do you plan on doing with your extra daylight every evening?  Do you try to squeeze as much natural light into your home with open blinds and dimmers?


  1. That yellow looks so good!!

    I am pretty sure that the Tran Depot is not gonna notice a few missing sprigs ;0)

  2. Oh...it is sooo lovely to have that extra hour of light. Granted, it makes it difficult for Thurgood to "settle down" for the evening...but I love the energy that comes with sunlight. I heart your scavenging skills. I help myself to a huge hydrangea bush in front of an old abandoned building out by my parents home. Hehe....simple delights.


  3. It looks beautiful! Very springy. And I love the combination of colors in the pictures with the purple candlestick.

  4. those are beautiful! I want some of those on my kitchen table! Love the blog! Thanks for your sweet comments! I am your newest follower!

  5. I've been known to do the same thing at a few old, "abandoned" farm houses around here! I understand that these are very easy to root....that may be a good "repurpose" for the sprigs when the flowers have faded.
    Spring/Daylight savingstime=more time to play outside in the dirt (garden)!!!:-)

  6. The pops of yellow are devine! Yellow is one of my favorite accent colors :0) hahaha, Im glad you didnt get caught!

  7. I HATE it!!! I am ALWAYS late the next day! Always!

  8. I just brought some into my house as well. I have tons of it in my yard. I have to keep hacking it back. I wasn't aware that you should bring it in until this year. So instead of composting it I will be bringing it in!!

  9. Is this your only blog on this matter? If you have any more blogs or anything on this can you please let me know? I found this blog very enticing.

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