01 July 2011

And In The Blue Corner.....

Last weekend, I wrote this post while in Charleston, S.C. for Rusty's 9th MMA fight.  We didn't take many pictures of the event because that's not very "hard core" apparently, but I did snag a few and a video of the his victory.

The weigh ins were at 6:00 that night, so we left home around 9:00 a.m. and got to the hotel around 3:00.  Right away, Rusty still had to cut 6 pounds, so he dressed in hefty bags and put on black sweats and a hoodie.  He did two 1 hour sessions of running and sitting in the sun....while I held down the fort in the air conditioned hotel :)

At 6:00, he made weight at 205 and took his promo picture with his opponent.
Right away, we headed to his favorite pre fight restaurant, Olive Garden.  When we stopped for gas, Rusty popped in to buy some Cheerwine!
After dinner, we went to take a constitutional in downtown Charleston.  It is our favorite city, and we know it well.  We got some gelato and snapped this single picture on one of the few cobblestone streets that are left.
Here's a video of his entire fight.
And a single shot after the win!
It was a great weekend.  He hopes to be back in the ring July 30th! 



  1. congrats the hubs! :)

  2. I love the feet & cobble stones pic! Congrats on your hubby's win! And, what the heck is Cheerwine? :)
