18 September 2011

Milk Glass

One of the things I am playing around in my house right now is staging the shelving in the dining room.  Sadly, I made this goal back in January on my "Home Goals 2011" post.  Since the dining room and living room are connected, am trying to stay away from anything too over-the-top "dining room".  I also have an issue with thinking that these shelves compete with the fireplace, so I try to keep the height of the shelves low.  Here are pictures that show the dining room and living room and how they are connected.
 This summer, I removed the top shelf and touched the paint back up.  I think it looks much more balanced and doesn't steal the thunder from the mantle.  Here is what I just threw together.
I am loving the top shelf full of white dining room themed items, but I want to change out the bottom.  It looks too crowded for the look I am going for.  I would rather keep the walls simple and pimp out the dining room table with a killer centerpiece and an awesome tablescape.
 I love white ceramic pieces. 
 This tray and pitcher came from Homegoods for about $5.00 each.
The goblets and bud vases are milk glass.  A vintage glass that you can find at estate sales, antique stores or in your birthday package from your grandmother (thanks E.I.!)
I'm almost positive that the bud vases came from a florist's shop.  I remember when arrangements came in these vases over the clear glass ones.  I am hoping to keep adding to my little collection.  The white is so timeless and classic!
What about you guys...do you find yourselves tweaking and rearranging shelves and table tops all the time?!

16 September 2011

Friday Finds

This morning, I started out with VERY good intentions.  I was going to teach all day, coach after teach, tutor after coach and clean after tutor.  Well, I taught the same writing lesson to 133 freshmen, practice finished early because my team rocks and my tutoring kid canceled, and Rusty left on a 4:30 bus to coach an away game. 
On my lunch break, I caught up on my Google Reader and saw this inspiring photo:
This picture really got me thinking.  I started feeling guilty that I haven't blogged in over a month and have completed no major projects.  I miss my time.  I miss my creativity.  Is it summer break yet?

After practice ended, I decided to stop by a thrift store to see what deals I have been missing.  Here's what ended up in my shopping basket:
 I can't wait to get these frames sprayed in some fun color!!
 All 4 frames totaled about $15.00.
 2 little wire baskets at .99 cents each.
This great square basket was only .99 cents.  I am going to fill it full of toiletries and put it under the sink in the guest bathroom.
This wire magazine rack was only $1.00 and will work perfectly in any room!

Then I stopped by the outlet malls and scored these shoes!!!!
The heels and wedges were on clearance for $6.99 with a buy one get one 50% off sale!  The sandals were $2.99 a pair.  Then I scored some $5.00 coupon card at the register, so who knows what they ended up costing.....dirt cheap!!!
And then, just because I could....I bought this huge, flower clip.  WHOA (Blossom reference).

But now I'm home.  Alone.  The weather is perfect for eating and movies. There are a million things I need to be doing and 2 million things I could be doing.  The house is quiet.  I was home before 7.  And this is what I did....
My favorite oversized hoodie and Rusty's Navy boot camp sweats....
A chic-flick....
I wish I were lying, but I'm not!  It's a dream come true!  Cheese, crackers, chips and cookies.  Confession:  while I took this picture, I was cooking a stovetop Knorr's Pasta Side (college days!).  Good news: I drank a Coke Zero with this feast.  Bad news: I haven't been to the gym in 2 months, and I will probably eat a biscuit for breakfast.  Confession #2: I put chocolate icing on the cookies I made to make them like the ones you buy in the mall.
I love it!
Did you know that this was an awesome Friday to send an awesome week?  It was awesome because I turned 28.  I went to the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain.  My guest bedding I ordered came.  I ordered a new necklace from Etsy.  My team won their 1st competition.  My kids were awesome at school.  The new County Living magazine came.  I cleaned my house during the week, so I can enjoy the weekend.  I am going to dinner tomorrow night at a restaurant that the hubs had to make reservations for.  It hit 67 degrees today.  AND....I discovered gel nail polish!  I lasts for 2 weeks without chipping!
Rusty, I know you will get this post on your EVO during the game.  Please hurry home; I am tired of feeling single.
Why was your week awesome?!

06 September 2011

Sneak Peak

Here's a little sneak peak of the duvet cover I ordered for the guest bedroom! 
I can't wait to see it on the bed with the faux board and batten and SW Svelte Sage walls!!!