16 September 2011

Friday Finds

This morning, I started out with VERY good intentions.  I was going to teach all day, coach after teach, tutor after coach and clean after tutor.  Well, I taught the same writing lesson to 133 freshmen, practice finished early because my team rocks and my tutoring kid canceled, and Rusty left on a 4:30 bus to coach an away game. 
On my lunch break, I caught up on my Google Reader and saw this inspiring photo:
This picture really got me thinking.  I started feeling guilty that I haven't blogged in over a month and have completed no major projects.  I miss my time.  I miss my creativity.  Is it summer break yet?

After practice ended, I decided to stop by a thrift store to see what deals I have been missing.  Here's what ended up in my shopping basket:
 I can't wait to get these frames sprayed in some fun color!!
 All 4 frames totaled about $15.00.
 2 little wire baskets at .99 cents each.
This great square basket was only .99 cents.  I am going to fill it full of toiletries and put it under the sink in the guest bathroom.
This wire magazine rack was only $1.00 and will work perfectly in any room!

Then I stopped by the outlet malls and scored these shoes!!!!
The heels and wedges were on clearance for $6.99 with a buy one get one 50% off sale!  The sandals were $2.99 a pair.  Then I scored some $5.00 coupon card at the register, so who knows what they ended up costing.....dirt cheap!!!
And then, just because I could....I bought this huge, flower clip.  WHOA (Blossom reference).

But now I'm home.  Alone.  The weather is perfect for eating and movies. There are a million things I need to be doing and 2 million things I could be doing.  The house is quiet.  I was home before 7.  And this is what I did....
My favorite oversized hoodie and Rusty's Navy boot camp sweats....
A chic-flick....
I wish I were lying, but I'm not!  It's a dream come true!  Cheese, crackers, chips and cookies.  Confession:  while I took this picture, I was cooking a stovetop Knorr's Pasta Side (college days!).  Good news: I drank a Coke Zero with this feast.  Bad news: I haven't been to the gym in 2 months, and I will probably eat a biscuit for breakfast.  Confession #2: I put chocolate icing on the cookies I made to make them like the ones you buy in the mall.
I love it!
Did you know that this was an awesome Friday to send an awesome week?  It was awesome because I turned 28.  I went to the Yellow Daisy Festival at Stone Mountain.  My guest bedding I ordered came.  I ordered a new necklace from Etsy.  My team won their 1st competition.  My kids were awesome at school.  The new County Living magazine came.  I cleaned my house during the week, so I can enjoy the weekend.  I am going to dinner tomorrow night at a restaurant that the hubs had to make reservations for.  It hit 67 degrees today.  AND....I discovered gel nail polish!  I lasts for 2 weeks without chipping!
Rusty, I know you will get this post on your EVO during the game.  Please hurry home; I am tired of feeling single.
Why was your week awesome?!


  1. I'm so jealous of your size 6 feet! I remember back in college when all of our shoes were by the garage door, and my Mom asked who had little kid feet?! Lol. Your week sounded amazing. I had a job interview on Friday, so if all goes well, my week will have been great!

  2. Looks like my kind of dinner :) My week was awesome because I gave new class rules to my students and they WORKED. Happy days!
    Enjoy your weekend :)

  3. Glad you're back, glad you took some time for yourself, and glad that you have a night out with the hubs to look forward to!

    I have to admit, I'm pretty jealous of your haul... and your dinner!

  4. sounds like you DID have a good week! i love those "single" nights, lol! i get one once a week because Gary is on a bowling league :) i usually read & have a junk food feast, lol!
