27 January 2011

The Evolution of a Blog

The evolution of a blog:
  • I am so addicted to reading these things called "blogs".  I feel like a stalker.
  • I would love to blog, but I have no idea what to name it.
  • Well, I could just name it something to get started and change it later if I find a better one.  What else am I going to do during all of this time my husband watches football?
  • I will just blog to keep family and friends posted on things Rusty and I are doing around the house.
  • Awe, that's cute.  Some of my friends are following.
  • Maybe I should upload my posts to Facebook.
  • Man, someone in Australia read my blog today.
  • I'll just take some pictures of the steps to this project.
  • Hhhmm... need an "About Us" page, a "Dogs" page, a "Our Home" page and a "Projects" page.
  • I just got my first comment from a stranger.  How did they find me?
  • I want more strangers.
  • Linky Party.
  • What project can I do today that would make a good blog post.
  • Oh no, I totally forgot to take a picture of that step.
  • I feel so bad; it has been 3 days since I posted.
  • Everyone's blog looks better than mine!  I want to be better!
This may just be the evolution of my blog, but I am at the stage of wanting to improve.  Improve what?  Posts.  Layout.  Design.  Convenience.  Pictures.  Writing.  Everything.

When I came across the Blog Hop Party over at Beauty in the Attempt, I knew I had to participate.  It is called "The Bold and the Beautiful - Your Blog Reviewed".  The object is to link your blog to other blogs and "throw-down" like it's 1999 with lots of feedback for each other.  Here is how you participate (directly copied and pasted):
While visiting my blog, and other blogs over at Beauty in the Attempt, check out the layout, pages, buttons, sidebar and gadgets. I would love for you to gently critique my blog. I’m hoping you will leave me some positive feedback about my blog. It would be great if you could give me constructive criticism but be sure to tell me what you like about my blog too! Do you like my pictures? Does my blog load quickly for you? How about the font? All tips and tidbits welcome! 
You are welcome to join the party, it starts Thursday night and is open for a week. 



  1. Heather, I just clicked over from My Repurposed LIfe because I might join the party and this post was just darling!! Your evolution of a blog is right on.

  2. :) smiling at Heather's comment about how she "might" join in.
    You have a nice blog, I suggest that you change your links so that when it is clicked a new window opens. If you would like more info you can email me gail@myrepurposedlife.net
    I like your pictures, they are very bright and well done.
    I find the background to be a little distracting showing through behind the text.
    Thanks so much for joining our party! I'm getting ready to hit post comment, I hope I don't have to do word verification. :)

  3. Hi there! Visiting from the blog party! You've got an incredible blog going for only being in this game for a few months! You certainly found all the top hitters in the home decor blog industry to choose to follow, so good job with googling that paint color. I'm so impressed by your new home. That mantel is beautiful! I love that you're full of creativity and making things happen around your house. That cabin... wow. I'm in awe that y'all lived for 3 years in that many square feet. Bless you, my child. :D

    Here are some suggestions for your new blog: I have a hard time scrolling over images that are transparent over other images because it distracts my eye.
    The .com is cut off on your gmail address at the tope. Not a big deal since you'd have to live under a rock to know know gmail ends in .com. ;-)

    Hope you have a great night! I'd love for you to drop by my place and leave a review!

  4. Hi there, nice to meet you, I'm a stranger! (haha, I loved the Evolution of a Blog - you hit THAT nail on the head!!)

    I just wanted to throw a vote FOR the background - I like the semi transparent overlay, and think that it makes it just visible enough to read, yet shows your personality (and matches your header) perfectly.

    Your pictures are great, you take them from various angles, and you have some interesting projects. I do believe you have a new stranger-follower! ;)

  5. The colors in your layout are so warm and inviting, and the title banner of the blog is wonderful as well. You are such a talented writer. The only thing I would like to see are some images on the side of the blog, it seems a little text overwhelmed, it would be nice to have maybe a photo of yourself and husband, dogs, projects, trips, something to break up all the text, aside from that lovely blog!

    - Kim (aka Mr. Gnome)

  6. I found you from TDC and I have to say your ideas are wonderful. I think you have a cute blog! Awwww.... :) Happy to be your newest follower!

    p.s. I like the blog review idea. However, I just started my new blog and have yet to finesse it (I make changes daily!) One day I'll join...sounds like fun!

  7. Ummm...let's see..my FAVORITE thing is how you have me among your blog list. Hehehe...Ok,ok...how could I resist?

    I love your writing. I can truly envision you saying these words which makes your blog truly and extension of you.

    I think your pictures are great...you have a sharp eye for angles and light...the composition only further highlights your posts.

    I like the placement of everything...from the links up top , to the thumbnails of other posts to the location of everything in your sidebar.

    My gentle suggestions...I think my ADD does get me with the underlay image, but I also know that the colors and the "idea" does represent you. I love the suggestion of adding maybe a few more pics onto the right side bar, but just be careful with the underlay and that mix.

    My preference is for the blog to evolve to develop and be like your home. Think about what you love and what really makes your blog you...use that and little by little your blog will be even more perfect...just know that I ADORE you and am thrilled beyond belief that we have found each other. I hope our friendhip evolves EVEN MORE.

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you joined the party. Thank you so much my dear.

    Let me know if there is anything I can ever help you with...blog or life wise. :)


  8. You nailed it right on the dot =)
    -From a stranger who found your blog

  9. Hi there! Joining you thru the Blog Hop and newest follower...I like your blog very much and absolutely LOVE your humor and the post about the Evolution of your Blog, made me laugh and it's so explanatory of how alot of us feel. I am new to Blogging and am not the one to give much advice. Just as I say, Keep on Truckin..(I just dated myself here, really badly,)

  10. Hello! I came across your blog after reading Thrifty Decor Chick and I love your blog. I actually started my own literally 3 days ago :) so I'm between step 3 and 4 of your evolution.

  11. Hi!
    I came across your blog through Thrifty Decor chick. I think you have a great thing going! I am so with you on your various steps above. I have been in a blogging funk but hope to post some projects that I have been working on this week! Keep up the good work!


  12. I LOVE your evolution of a blog - it is so ON to my blogging style. I put off blogging for over a year just because I didn't have a name and then I didn't know how to do it. So glad I have. Your site is nice to look at - colorful without being overdone. Good Work.

  13. Hi! Stopping by from the party - love this post and your blog!! My only suggestion would be to add more to your columns. As I was reading through some past posts, there is blank column space that I think could be filled without making your blog too busy. Glad to have found you!

  14. I'm a new follower and am visiting from the par-tay!
    I really like your banner and background matching so well. They are really fun. I can see how it might be distracting to some with it being light in the background of the text though.
    I love the dog section. I need to just make a pet section... they find their way into every picture I take anyway :)

  15. Hi there! Isn't this exciting? What a great way for all of us to learn from each other. I like that you have sections of your blog for us to explore. I really like your banner and now know I need to figure something out for myself. Yours tells us a little bit about your personality. I do think the background is a little, just a tad, distracting. It's very fun, but I find that my eyes get a little crazy focusing on that instead of your words. Glad to have found you!

  16. Love it! I feel like I am going through a very similar evolution process, but in a far less organized fashion! I think I'm going to create a dog and home tab, as soon as I can figure out tabs! I really like the background, I think it's got some pattern and color without being overwhelming (unlike my own...Thank goodness this hop is gentle!) I like your pictures, they add to your words without taking over. I look forward to reading more! Keep it up!

  17. Hey Heather, coming over from the blog hop. Very nice clean blog,, not alot of busyness going on. I personally like to see the bloggers photo and a little info about them or their blog and located where its easy to see. Maybe some pics of past projects or something on the sidebar. Looking forward to reading more.
    Hope you'll stop by and review my blog too. This is really fun.

  18. You were one of the first blogs that I started to follow. On a note about this post specifically I found myself agreeing with so many of your bulleted items. It's quite funny how so many of us share the same thoughts and worries about our blogs.

    The only suggestion I can think of really is the placement of the facebook like option and the email subscription form. I would put them perhaps between your blog list and archives.

  19. Well of course I like you Heather! In fact, I'm going to Follow you ok! Great blog, I like how you put your popular posts below...

  20. I really like your blog and I don't find the transparent background distracting at all. My only suggestion would be having a label cloud or list on the side, I really like it when I can see other posts by categories.

  21. Hi Heather Sweetie...
    A beautiful blog home. Love your blog title and I love the feathery effect on your scrollbar and your header.

    The only thing that I would like to see is you bring a little of yourself into it. Make it feel like coming home. Some sort of photo of you, something that makes it yours. Other than that sweetie, it is beautiful. Just beautiful.

    I am Country Wings in Phoenix, your newest follower. I am not participating in this celebration, but I ran upon the blog hop and I love meeting new friends and sharing, so here I am. I hope you will pop by and say hello. I would love to have you visit, and be thrilled to have you follow me as well. It is so much fun sharing our day to day lives and some of our creativity when we pull something crafty together.

    Have a glorious Monday sweetie...Sherry

  22. Hi Heather! I've actually washed the comforter from Target NUMEROUS TIMES!!! If your worried about the buttons coming off...they are pretty durable. My cat chews on them and I haven't lost one yet. I just throw it in the washer, then the dryer...takes about 2 times in the dryer. And the 2nd time, I turn it around so the whole thing gets dry. Then when it's on the bed, I take an iron to it and smooth it out a lil bit. Hope that helps!

  23. Love the evolution of the blog...I can so relate! My favorite part of your blog was your "mantelscape" post. I am so inspired!

    Although, I'm trying to figure out your style because the decor on your mantel is so different from your blog background. :) Or are you like me...because I think my "style" changes at least once a week.

    Well, from one twenty-something to another, I think you're doing a great job with your blog. I'll be following!


  24. Hi! I'm visiting from the blog hop-and am now a follower! I like your blog. The background may be a little distracting--but I love it. Such a neat design!

  25. Heather, my new found friend, I truly love that you come through in your blog. I don't want to sound redundant, so I ditto exactly what MeganDVD said above.
    I am truly looking forward to seeing this young, fresh looking blog/(YOU) grow over time.


  26. Hi Heather... popping in from the blog hop. I like your blog name and header, very nice. I also like your About Us page and your photo... which is why I think it would be great to have the picture in the top corner on your side bar with a link to your About us page... I think it would be very welcoming.

    I thought your evolution of blog was great. It took me awhile to admit to anyone I knew that I was doing a blog... I was so nervous for anyone to see it.

  27. i am a stranger too and just found your blog. our evolution is similar to mine, but i have not gotten mine past several strangers--they come (several from australia, china, all over europe, even thailand and japan! but don't tell me they've stopped by :(, so i sometimes wonder if it is true...) love your blog-esp that knock off pottery barn light! awesome!

  28. Love your blog! I would LOVE to see more pictures of your house in the "Our Home" section... I just started my own blog a few months ago, and am now OBSESSED! I love reading other peoples blogs, adding things to mine, etc..
    Great job, keep up the good work! Cant wait to read more....

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  33. Hello very nice article!! Excellent & Wonderful. I’ll bookmark this website.

  34. That is a great tip especially to those new to the blogosphere.
