25 January 2011

Winter Wreath

Just like I had to freshen up my mantle after Christmas, my door got a little freshening up as well.  Since December 31st, I have been staring at a plain front door.  I am sure that Rusty loves it since it keep any hopes of social interaction to a bare minimum, I need a more cheerful greeting for when I return home from work.  {Who I am kidding.  I am extremely competitive, and all of my neighbors have something cute on their door.}
Thankfully, I knew in advance that I would be locked up for a few days with our Winter Storm 2011 (sounds scary, doesn't it).  On my way up the mountain last Sunday, I stopped by Michael's and looks around for some ideas for my wreaths.  The only thing I knew about this wreath, was that I was planning on using an old picture frame as the base after inspiration from my cousin over at LPC.
After about 45 minutes of browsing, I came home with a little bag of goodies.  I wanted to be safe because I didn't know what I wanted, and I knew I might not be able to leave the house again for days.  It gave me something to do between loads of clothes, stirring the chili and naps.  No rush, either.  They canceled school in our district for an entire week! (happy dance)

After spraying the frame with primer, I sat down at the table and started placing everything on the frame until I saw something I liked.  

Then I had to select my colors.  I wanted something that would pop against the black and whites of winter.
Finally, I decided on a layout with the middle blue and plum color.  The rest was the easy part.  I just painted, scuffed and glued.
I looped a ribbon to make a hanger.
I glued a few feathers to keep with my current obsession.
I added a wire at the bottom to perch some birds on.
I painted some cheap-o wooden birds from Michaels and drew/Sharpied on some details.
Put two together and make them love birds (can you tell which is the girly bird?)
I tucked a little "T" in there to rep the family name.
After finished, I ended up with this:
Excuse the bad photo.  I never even see my house in the daylight to take a good pic.
I am not sure how much I love it, but it only cost about 3 dollars and kept me busy for about an hour.  I'm not saying it's going to win any neighborhood contests, but  I love the concept and may try to play around with another frame for a wreath.

Are you competitive with your neighbors? Or maybe they're competitive with you!


  1. Ok Love the birds and the Colors, however I am thinking it needs something else.........hmm maybe some plum patterned paper mod podged on the birds to tie in with the T?? Maybe I should run over and see it in person ahahah

    Oh the neighbor side of things.. we never see ours haha I did try to tell Craig I would love to buy the house across from you guys but he is not the subdivision type LOL

  2. Love it! I was just thinking that it is time to do a spring wreath. I have one but I am thinking of changing it up. I need to explore the cheapest possibilities. Can you imagine if we were neighbors? I think our husbands would skoot us into our own home to save money from decor wars. :) Actually we would probably be enabling each other to buy buy buy...decorate decorate decorate. :)


  3. @ Reginia - I am totally doing those changes tomorrow. I was thinking it needed something else, and that is why I ended the post with no real commitment to loving it! Also, I have tried to get you and the Sullens to buy that place and neither of you will make the move :( Can you say - block party!

    @Megan - If a whole block of DIYers lived together, the hubbies would have to make the next block over be a football sanctuary just to survive!

  4. LOVE it! You are so cute and creative. I'll admit that I am a bit competitive with my across-the-breezeway neighbor. I think she mostly stinks at decorating, so I always win (however, she doesn't know this)! :)


  5. Thank you for sharing this fascinating information. Best of luck
