07 January 2011

Home Goals 2011

I am so glad that one of the amazing bloggers I follow, Nester, started a Linky Party yesterday!  I have been wanting to do some kind of 2011 post, but couldn't figure out a focus.  Well, she set one: Home Goals 2011.  

(I rushed home after school to try to get some good shots in natural light, but with the snow clouds we have up here, that wasn't too successful!!!)

1. "Tchotchke" up my shelves
Months ago, when I started Blogstalking YHL (if you follow the link, you have to promise me you will still return to read my blogs...they are good and will hook you....), I fell in love with their floating shelves.
Rusty took me to Ikea, and we had them up that night.  After about 6 months of staring of them and fighting the commitment issues of putting stuff on them, I have decided that they compete with my mantle.  Take a look at this picture, and you can see that I have this weird half wall dividing my open living room and dining room.  
The shelves look great in just the dining room, but my beautiful, dramatic mantlescape needs the full attention of everyone.  It told me.
So, here is the full picture of what I am dealing with:
Specific mini goals:
  • remove the top shelf and use elsewhere
  • paint the shelves high gloss white to match my trim (they are a little off white)
  • decorate them with items that are less dramatic than what is going on on the mantle and help out with the "dining room" feel.
2. Swankify our master bedroom
I love our bedroom.  It is perfect.  It's got a great vibe.  It's got a lot of potential.  The color is perfect.  The furniture is lovely.  I have tray ceilings.  I have a dramatic mantle.  The sun shines just right in there.  Got it?  I'm in love. However, it needs something to take it to the next level.  After seeing this picture at Bower Power, I knew what I wanted to do.
A wall of fabric right behind our bed.  I really think it would give it that swanky, luxurious, hotel feel.  So, here are my options:
  • buy more Ikea white curtains and do the wall
  • take the two sets of white Ikea curtains out of the living room and dining room to use in the bedroom and replace the living room and dining room curtains with print
  • buy print fabric or curtains and do the wall
3. Cover all "builder beige" walls
So far, I have eliminated all builder beige except for the kitchen, guest bathroom and guest bedroom.  I am on schedule for painting the kitchen in February.  My goal is to paint the guest bed and bath in 2011.  Nuff said.

4. Crown Molding
My good friend, Lisa, gave me about 160' of free crown molding!  We painted the office back in June knowing we were going to put up crown.  Well, it still looks like this:
In 2011, it must go up!  I will also put the rest of the crown in the guest bedroom after we paint it.  I am hoping it will really make the ceilings look higher since the room is only 10' x 10'.  I am even thinking of trying this technique that I saw at Bower Power:

5.  Light Fixtures
At least once a day, Rusty laughs at me because he catches me looking at our current light fixtures in disgust!  He just rolls his eyes.  Of course I am going to try to find some deals, but this is what we have and what I am dreaming of...today, at least.
Breakfast Nook:
Dining Room:
I'm not too sure what to put here.  Possibly a drum shade!

Well, there they are.  My 2011 Home Goals.  I'm comfortable with the word goal.  It says, "I have a end at which my efforts are directed."

Resolution.  I hear, "In 15 days, when you fail, you will never live it down."

What are some of your 2011 goals?  Or maybe you call them resolutions!


  1. Fab Goals!
    Loving the "If you go read be sure to come back" hehe made me SMILE :)
    Can't wait to see the end results which I know will totally Rock!

  2. Great job and a great post. I fully enjoyed it. I have so many projects lined up I have to live till I'm 86 just to finish them! hahaha.

  3. Can I just ditto all your goals?? LOVE them. I am on the look out for a lantern light too. I don't want one too big or too expensive...but just right. I sound like Goldilocks. :)

    Can not wait to see them accomplished in your little home.

