04 January 2011

A post about promised posts

I used to sleep with a writing tablet by my bed.  I drove with one in my car.  I carried one in my purse.  I worked with one at my desk.
Now I have notes, notes and more notes saved in my Blackberry.

One is titled "Blog Posts".

Here is what is on the list and my added annotations:
(these are in the order that they came to me)
(some are titles and some are ideas)

  • Decorating with White (inspired by the newest Country Living magazine)
  • Laundry Room Before and After (more of an organizational posts, but the project is slightly incomplete)
  • Good Will Finds (this one will be easy to post as I have taken a picture of EVERYTHING I buy there and plan on going there tomorrow)
  • Complete "Our Dog" page (DONE!)
  • Mantle in my master bedroom (this one is ready, but I have to hang up all of the clothes drying on it to take pictures of it)
  • Decorating with Books (could be completed in 15 minutes after I buy paper)
  • Complete "About Us" page (DONE!)
  • The {un}Made Bed (no comment...)
  • Getting that Pottery Barn look (inspired by the Jan. 2011 catalog)
Ok.  So I have some homework.

Who's with me?  Do you have notes everywhere with ideas or to-do lists?  Or have you gone electronic with them, too?  What's on them?

*Get that super cute notepad on Etsy!

1 comment:

  1. 1st -- loving the notepad!
    2nd -- I have post it notes everywhere does that count ahaha
    3rd -- sooo can't wait for the {un}made bed Post! <3
