03 January 2011

Taste Test

Oh yes, I have fully discovered Etsy.  I am now on a mission to get others hooked!  Remember when I did this post a few weeks back?  Well, all of my purchases came in, and they look great in their frames.  Now that people are asking me where I got everything, I get the chance to be a disciple.

Today, my friend over at Mia's Pizza and Eats told me all about the Etsy Taste Test feature.  I must share!

To really get familiar with Etsy, you need to go to Etsy Taste Test.  Period.

Once there, you will be prompted to choose between two series of three pictures.  Don't worry that one says "mens' favorites" and one says "womens' favorites".  Just go with your gut!
If you don't see something you like, you just keep hitting that "Refresh all items" button in the upper right hand corner until you find a trio that catches your fancy.

Then, you will be asked to pick the one item out of six that most suites your taste (again, you can keep clicking on "Refresh all items" to get to one you like).
You will keep choosing one out of six items as the Taste Test feature tells you how close you are to finishing up your test.
See - I am 50%  closer to getting my personalized Etsy shopping recommendations.
I love how, at the bottom, Etsy tracks all of the individual items that you selected in case you want to check it out at the end of the test.
As Etsy is compiling your data, they offer the most interesting quotations. (My favorite was "Well, now that we have seen each other," said the Unicorn, "if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?" from Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass)   By the time you are done reading them, your results are ready!
After your Taste Test, you will have a great start to exploring a focused version of Etsy.  You can begin getting lost in its web just like me!

So, everyone has one of those friends who gets you hooked on an addiction.  A healthy addiction, of course! What have your friends hooked you on?  Have you gotten lost in any webs?

(Thanks, Clori!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Heather for all the props! I love ETSY taste test so much!
