24 February 2011


Winner Announced:

According to Random.org, Reginia @ The Not So Modern Family is the winner.
Reginia - I will be emailing you with the code to use to shop.  Congrats!

Are you shopping for lighting, bedding, accessories or furniture?  If so, CSN Stores has all of the above and more.  Check out their website which is linked to over 200 online stores.  Here are a few of my favorites:
I love how the site lets you shop by dollar amount.  To find these scores, I just set the little bar on the left to search for $1-$15 keyword items.  It would be SO easy to spend a gift card here.  Especially with so much free shipping!

  • PRIZE: A $15 gift card towards any purchase in any of the CSN Stores.
  • TO ENTER: Follow my blog and comment on this post with the words “Pick me!  Pick me!” and…
  • BONUS QUESTION: … tell me about the best luck you have ever had winning something before.  Was it a raffle ticket or maybe a scratch-off?
  • GIVEAWAY CLOSES: Wednesday, March 2nd at 9pm EST
  • WHO'S ELIGIBLE: Anyone anywhere.
  • FINE PRINT: One entry per e-mail address is permitted. The winner will be selected using random.org and announced on Wednesday as an update to this post. I will also e-mail the winner if your profile is linked to an e-mail address.  If the winner doesn't claim the prize within 48 hours, we draw again!  Good luck…


  1. Pick me, Pick me!! ;) And I won 2 tickets to see New Kids on the Block when I was like 7 or 8 from a drawing they had at McDonalds. I ended up selling them so I could use the money for a new Cabbage Patch Doll. :)

  2. Pick me, Pick me!! I don't often win things, and they're usually not huge prizes. Once I won Napoleon Dynamite on DVD in a raffle (not my choice), a set of bbq tools in another raffle, and I've only just once won a blog giveaway (cleaning solution sample).
    Jennifer Beard

  3. Pick Me ~ Pick Me! hahah
    I never win anything*whine*so come on pick me pick me ;) Make me lucky haha


  5. pick me! pick me!
    guess the best win was at a military banquet raffle.. we won a very nice air force jacket, which the hubs immediately gave away! :P

  6. Pick me!! Pick me!! :)

  7. I've won some scratch off cards in my time--but never a significant amount of money or anything else. I have the worst luck when it comes to winning things :P I hope I win this one, I *love* the birds :)

  8. I rarely win anything, but once at summer camp when I was little my team won a trip to the local amusement park.

    I don't think I've won anything since! :-) hehe.

  9. Pick me! Pick me! :)

  10. Pick me! Pick me! I won a game of bingo at my dad's company picnic when I was a kid and the prize was a heavy duty garden hose or an ice cream maker. I went with the ice crean maker.

  11. pick me! pick me!

    I won a makeup gift set when i was 18. it was my first chance to get to play with crazy makeup!

  12. Pick Me :) I won a $150.00 gift card to Lowe's
    thanks for the giveaway

  13. Pick me! Pick me! Way back when, when I was twenty-something, my fiance and I attended a park district "Vegas Night". We bought raffle tickets and had a really fun night. We left kind of early, and as we were driving, Tom (my fiance) suddenly turned the car around. He explained that we needed to go back because we were going to win the grand prize! I just laughed at him, BUT we did go back AND we did win the grand prize!! An Amana Radarange!! (Now you know how long ago this was, haha! one of the very first microwave ovens!) kim.nestelberger@gmail.com

  14. Pick me! Pick me!

    I've only won one item in my life, and I'm still waiting for it to arrive in the mail :) Keeping my fingers crossed this will make #2!

  15. Pick me! Pick me!

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  16. Oh, and I once won a gorgeous and yummy chocolate cake. Very lucky!

    lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. “Pick me! Pick me!” and…I've won a kitchenaid blender and smoothie kit before...so yummy and fantastic!

  18. Pick me, pick me! I actually am usually pretty lucky and can manage to win stuff at Bunco, door prizes, etc, but the feeling never gets old!

  19. Pick me! Pick me!

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  20. Pick me!! What a great give-away! :)

  21. Pick me...pick me...PLEASE oh please. :)

    What is the greatest thing I have ever won? Yikes...I just may be unlucky. :(


  22. Pick me! Pick me! The best thing I ever won? Hmm...I once won $100 on a scratch-off. But online, it was a $100 Sams Club gift card!

    Thanks for the chance.
    bekki1820cb at gmail dot com

  23. Pick me! Pick me!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  24. The best prize I ever won was $100 to Amazon on a blog contest!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  25. Pick me! Pick me!!

    The best thing I've ever won is this Georgia Association of Student Councils Member of the Year award for 2011. My co-vice president in my school's student council nominated me for this award without my knowledge. I was told our school's student council president was nominated, so when my name was called I was completely shocked. It was such an amazing experience... And I was so lucky!

  26. i follow you gfc.pick me pick me and i want to buy my son the toy story desk-thanks
    tcogbill at live dot com

  27. hmmm. i won 100.00 visa gift card on a giveaway- i;m still waiting on it though.
    tcogbill at live dot com

  28. “Pick me! Pick me! I once won a $100 visa gift card!

    Thanks for the chance!!

    gina.m.maddox AT gmail DOT com

  29. Thanks for entering, y'all! This giveaway is now closed! Off to Random.org to see who the lucky gal is. Good luck!
