21 February 2011

D.U.I. - Dreaming Under the Influence {of NyQuil}

I haven't left the couch in 31 hours, and I have already called for a sub for tomorrow.  

Q:  How did I catch whatever it is I have?  
A:  Maybe it was spending the weekend with over 300 high schoolers at a Student Council leadership convention where I got about 10 hours of total sleep.  

Q:  What have I been doing between my self-induced NyQuil comas?
A:  Gathering inspiration for my next few projects.

I simply must have a ladder.  I have my E.I. on the look out as well as Rusty and Reginia.  I look at every old farmhouse I pass on the way to work to see if they have one propped up outside.  I will knock and make an offer.  Here are a few I like:
I believe what I really want is called an orchard ladder.  I would also love an old library ladder.  I want it to be wooden, not an A-frame and aged looking.  I have hopes of putting it in my bedroom and draping scarves and ties over it.  It would also look great in a bathroom to house towels.  Any ideas where to find one?

I am also going to tackle the guest bedroom this summer.  I saw this headboard and fell in love.
Again, I pass several dilapidated barns that are falling over on my way to work.  When I am in the truck and it is daylight out, I am going to knock with cash in hand.  I think four or five pieces will do.  Do you think I am kidding?!!

And wouldn't this bedding just look great next to that rough wood?
I can't wait to try the tutorial and create it for around 30 bucks!

I almost have enough empty frames gathered to do my frame collage.  I am drawing off of these images for inspiration.
I am thinking of wrapping them around the corner of my master bedroom where my reading chair is and end up above my mantle.  Since my walls are Gray Matters, I think that a punchy, mustard accent color would look great mixed in with some clean white ones.

I also found this today.  I am thinking it is a must to make for a large empty spot on a wall.  My dining room is needing something since I couldn't get that clock I saw.
In this picture, the design isn't colored.  It is just the color of the toilet paper rolls.  I am thinking I would spray mine to make it more accented in the room.

So - my biggest question has to do with the headboard.  What word should I write on it?  It is for a guest room, so "love" might not be the right word.  Should it say "sleep" or "dream" or maybe a word in French...give me some ideas!

*Also, I added a little picture in my sidebar with the paint colors in my home, so far.  I am painting the kitchen this weekend, and am still staring at the sample spots on the wall....


  1. YES to all the above projects!!
    BTW you need to come with me to a house on 19N - I want to stop and inquire about a few things in the yard but am a chicken hahaha

  2. Wow! I love all of these inspiration pictures! I LOVE LOVE that headboard! I think dream would be cute on it- or beauty sleep... sommeil de beauté is how you say it in French. A little long, but could work! Can't wait to see the finished projects!!

  3. I love all your inspirations! That headboard is to die for! Can't wait to see the finished product! I like the word dream for the guest room!

    Lauren @ tickled.

  4. Oh now I can not WAIT to come visit. I LOVE everything you have going on....from the headboard to the frames...it will be FABULOUS. As for words...I have quite few. I love "goodnight moon" as in the children's story or "yawns welcomed"....I have a few more. :)


  5. great inspiration! just added ya to my circle! :) if you have twitter, be sure to let me know so i can add ya to the list there!

  6. Hi!! Found ya while surfing around Twitter (Im your newest follower there and over here lol) Your inspiration pictures are so dreamy :0) I really like the "Yawns" idea Miss Megan suggested.

  7. Hi! I'm finally getting around to visiting everyone in the Circle of Bliss! Better late than never is usually my motto! :-)I don't know if you realized it or not, but we're "neighbors", I'm in Blairsville! I wonder how many of us bloggers are in this area? We'll need to get together and do a little thrifting! :-)I'm on the lookout for a ladder too!
    I'm looking forward to reading your blog. I've signed on to follow!
    Have a wonderful week!

  8. I love your taste!

    I am one of your new followers and checking in with the Circle of Bliss. Looking forward to seeing more, hope you feel better soon.

  9. I, too, love Nyquil, am using it right now to rid a cold..hope that you feel better quickly!

  10. You now have me obsessed with finding an orchard ladder for my bedroom. Love your blog.

  11. I love ladders too! But don't have a single way to use one in my own home. Out of room!
    good luck finding the perfect one!
