26 November 2011

Get Inspired!

Rusty and I have been out of school all of this week.  We have spent so much time cuddling on the couch watching movies, but we have also put in some serious work in the cleaning/organizing department.  And know what we ran into?  An old binder full of torn out magazine sheets that we found almost 10 years ago when we began dreaming about our first house.  Let's just say I am SO glad we lost that binder since it was filled with authentic cabin looking decor!

In the days of Pinterest, we can get lost online pinning to our little organized boards, but what do we do with those magazine pages that we rip out? 

Apparently, I have a system.  I didn't really know I had a system until I ran into about 5 pages thrown around my house.  I tape them to the areas that I am planning on transforming!  I live by the mentality of putting those dreams/goals/desires out into the universe, lol!

Here is what I have done with some of those magazine pages:
Gallery Wall
Click here for my Gallery Wall post.
Guest Bedroom
I have had this taped to the back of the door.  My makeover is almost done, and I'm not too sure I stuck to any of the inspiration.  But, hey, it's still pretty!

Click here, here and here to read my guest bedroom posts.

And here are some projects that haven't come to fruition just yet:
Office Desk
This one is an easy transformation since it is basically just staging with things I have.

Click here to read about my office.
Open Kitchen Shelving
This is taped to the inside of my current cabinet that I plan to take down for transformation!
Christmas Decor
Here is what I had tucked under a pumpkin on my last mantlescape waiting to transfer it to Christmas!
Garden Tub 
I bought all of the supplies for this lighting project this week and hope to have it up soon!

So - as a tip from me to you - hang some inspiration around your home and be amazed at how much faster you will end up getting the projects done!

Isn't it so funny what you learn about yourself when you just step back and analyze a small pattern that emerged?!  Do you still find tangible inspiration outside of Pinterest? 



  1. this is a great idea-- i look back on the things i've pinned and wonder when i'll do them, then when it's craft time, i forget to look things up!

  2. I just found your blog from The Small Things blog & it's so cute! I'm your newest follower & pumped about it! :)

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