18 September 2011

Milk Glass

One of the things I am playing around in my house right now is staging the shelving in the dining room.  Sadly, I made this goal back in January on my "Home Goals 2011" post.  Since the dining room and living room are connected, am trying to stay away from anything too over-the-top "dining room".  I also have an issue with thinking that these shelves compete with the fireplace, so I try to keep the height of the shelves low.  Here are pictures that show the dining room and living room and how they are connected.
 This summer, I removed the top shelf and touched the paint back up.  I think it looks much more balanced and doesn't steal the thunder from the mantle.  Here is what I just threw together.
I am loving the top shelf full of white dining room themed items, but I want to change out the bottom.  It looks too crowded for the look I am going for.  I would rather keep the walls simple and pimp out the dining room table with a killer centerpiece and an awesome tablescape.
 I love white ceramic pieces. 
 This tray and pitcher came from Homegoods for about $5.00 each.
The goblets and bud vases are milk glass.  A vintage glass that you can find at estate sales, antique stores or in your birthday package from your grandmother (thanks E.I.!)
I'm almost positive that the bud vases came from a florist's shop.  I remember when arrangements came in these vases over the clear glass ones.  I am hoping to keep adding to my little collection.  The white is so timeless and classic!
What about you guys...do you find yourselves tweaking and rearranging shelves and table tops all the time?!


  1. constantly!!!! I am never happy with it for more than a few days- plus the ideas from blogs and pins are endless!

  2. I LOVE milk glass! I started collecting it last year-- my fave is hobnail.

    Maybe it's a good thing that I don't have shelves in our house to rearrange right now, because I would constantly be rearranging. I find myself rearranging shelves at other friends' houses though... :)

  3. Wow.... the room looks so calm and beautiful. Love it.

  4. Your shelves look lovely. I agree that the bottom needs a bit of work, but I like that you mixed in some soft metallics.

    I arranged a bookshelf in our living room. The top shelf still isn't quite right, but overall I am really proud of it.

  5. Love the wall color! What color/brand is this?? Thanks!

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